Last Minute Low-Tech gift ideas (batteries not needed)

If with every waking day you have the ever building stress of still needing to finish shopping for you kids, this post may be of some help to you. One thing that we as parents face every Christmas season is trying to find that balance between getting what our kids want and what they actually need. These items may not fit into either one of those extremes, but you may just find that they are happily nestled between the two. So without further rambling on my part here are my suggestions.


Before you call me crazy for thinking that your kid will read a book that is not about video games, love-struck vampires, or games that involve hunger let me state my case. Biographies record the lives of magnificent people whom have actually lived. Many of the best biographies are about dead people. Reading about dead people can be a great thing. We are able to know two very important things about them. First, the great things that they did. Second, we can know if they finished their lives strong. There are many good biographies out there, but one suggestion that I highly recommend is the book pictured below. 7 short biographies of men dead and alive (mostly dead) that have done great things. (You may click on any of the images included in this post to take you to were you area able to purchase them online, or look at the caption to see where you can walk in and purchase)

7 men
available in the LBC bookstore


For boys (and girls) who like comic books, this book is a must. With over 750 color illustrations this Bible is the most complete picture Bible ever!

the action bible 2
available in LBC bookstore


A lot of the greatest minds that have ever lived all have one thing in common…they had a journal that was able to capture their thoughts, ideas, prayers, and doodles. This is a great gift idea for someone who loves to write. Moleskin is a great name and has been used by literary greats like Ernest Hemingway. They come in all sorts of sizes and designs.

available at Barnes & Noble


I have had a pair of these since before Laura and I were married. L.L. Bean puts out nothing but quality. The best thing about these things is that they are backed by a 100% life-time warranty. Once they wear out, you can call up L.L. Bean and they will send you a replacement pair free of charge. They are pretty pricey, but they are the most comfortable slippers…period. They are available in different styles and colors.

available at L.L.Bean


I have a copy of both of these books. They are filled with great info and step by step projects that encourage your child’s imagination and will get them outdoors. The books are designed in order for kids everywhere to reclaim the weekends by being outdoors.

available at Barnes & Noble